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14 December 2011


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Excellent critique John. I received my (Kickstarter funded) copy of the book earlier this week and greatly enjoyed it.

Thank you ,this is a wonderfully balanced piece and a great way to start Vivian Maier In New York.She was born in The Bronx so that makes New York her hometown.There will be many years of discovery ahead ,your last line is a great start.

Once again thank you for mentioning me and the Hearst exhibition that recently ended.I hope you will be able to visit the exhibitions that open tomorrow at Howard Greenberg and Steve Kasher


That really summed it up for me.


I really can't say enough about her work, it inspires and excels on so many levels- and her particular life's journey only adds to a much well deserved "legend."

I have not seen Vivian Maier, Photographer- but I'm sadly disappointed with Vivian Maier, Street photographer, which I had to return because I simply could not bear to look at it. The sepia toned prints (nostalgic overkill) are cheaply reproduced and just seem to drain all the life and spontaneity right out of them. Can't wait until a quality book publisher does her work justice in a decade or two- as has occurred with other photographers of note. A long wait to be sure, but we've all waited this long, just hope I'm around to see it...

Stan, I respect your opinion, but I'm going to disagree with you about the print quality in "Vivian Maier: Street Photographer." The photos were clearly reproduced to a price point, but, to my eye, they're not awful. I'd give them a "B."

As for the sepia toning... A matter of taste, I guess. It didn't bother me -- until you mentioned it!

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