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09 September 2012


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Photographic imagery has inundated us for more than a century and still we have a visually illiterate audience that often considers sunsets et al more meaningful than thought-provoking professional imagery. Sad truth of photography? That will never change. But professionals that have a purpose by definition have a subject and enough interested viewers to engage with... And yes, monetize. Great truth about photography? That will never change. Bring on the camera phones, I say. Especially when it means the displaced, the poor, and the impoverished can shed light on a reality that is increasingly glossed over and harder to discern. (Full disclosure: Comment written w/my camera phone.)

If everyone wrote poems, poets would be happy, I think. Hopefully people will start to appreciate "real" photographers, among "folk" photographers.

Great post! I especially like the part about camera phones in Africa. In all the articles I've read about cell phones in Africa (coincidentally, I'm working on a book chapter about landlines/cellphones), I've never come across people dealing with the photography aspect of African cell phone culture. Really cool research topic. If I ever work on it I'll credit you as the inspiration.
p.s. not to be a jerk, but the Brownie launched in 1900, not the 1890s.

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